yoga + education + wellness + inspiration + products

what is yoga? keeping it simple with yoga education

Almost every one of all ages can practice yoga wellness and benefit from the connection between the body, mind, and soul. 

OK, now I’m going to go a little deep. Could it be that balancing connectionsYoga Education, Wellness, Inspiration and Products between our body, mind, and soul elevates our wholeness as human beings, as God created us to be? If we are “out of balance,” are we lacking our true human potential? I believe so. I’m sure we all could agree that the world needs some balance. Yoga is not the only way to balance our body, mind, and soul. But it is an excellent way!

Yoga Education

Let’s begin with some Yoga education. Historically, Yoga was a meditation practice in ancient Eastern culture. The word Yoga is a Sanskrit word meaning to yoke or unite. What are we uniting? Our physical (body), mental (mind), and human essence (soul). Patanjali wrote the most acknowledged, ancient foundational text on Yoga. His text is called the Yoga Sutras. The text contains the eight limbs (steps) of Yoga, essentially the Yoga Philosophy of Life.

Yoga Wellness

Presently, in our modern Western culture, we use the term Yoga to mean a Hatha Yoga style of practice, including breathing techniques (pranayamas), body poses/positions (asanas), and mind-focus techniques (meditation). Hatha style means the focus is on energy and the body’s movement.

Today, the many styles of Yoga available can confuse us as to which style fits our needs. For most Yoga classes, you will need a few Yoga products, such as a Yoga Mat, Yoga Blocks, Yoga straps, and Yoga Pants/clothing (check out my Shop). The Yoga Mat is essential because you will practice Yoga barefoot, and a mat provides a slightly cushioned, non-slip footing base. Comfortable, stretch-friendly clothing is necessary for ease of movement.

Yoga Etiquette

 How to prepare for a Yoga practice session at a fitness center, studio, or video session at home

  • Think positively and nurture positive energy, laying any negative thoughts aside.
  • Arrive on time to a class or set a time for your home session.
  • Use the restroom to empty your bladder & try not to eat at least an hour before a session.
  • Put your hair up or wear a headband to keep the hair out of your face.
  • Take off any jingly jewelry that could be a noisy distraction to you or others.
  • Take off your shoes.
  • Have a Yoga mat and other yoga products as needed.
  • Have a water bottle for hydration if needed.
  • Please turn off your phone or turn it on vibrate only.
  • For a home session, clear the area around your mat so that raised arms or legs do not hit walls or furniture.
  • No talking during a session. Keep your focus on your breath and body movement.
  • Now, take a deep breath through your nose, exhale through your mouth, and you’re ready to begin!

Yoga Inspiration

Below is an essential list and brief explanation of Yoga styles for your consideration to help ignite your Yoga inspiration journey:

HATHA Hatha is a beginner-friendly, general style to start a Yoga practice. Senior Yoga, Gentle Yoga, Chair Yoga, and Restorative Yoga are all forms of Hatha Yoga.

IYENGAR: This slow, alignment-focused style of yoga, created by B.K.S. Iyengar, is suitable for beginners. Exact body poses and Yoga props (blocks, straps, bolsters) are instrumental and highly encouraged.

ASHTANGA: Sri K. Pattabhi created Ashtanga, a more active and vigorous style of yoga. It is a good choice if you are active and like practicing consistent sequences transitioning from seated to standing. However, it can be challenging.

VINYASA: This style, similar to Ashtanga and often called Flow Yoga, keeps you moving in various poses, from seated to standing. It can be as challenging as you want it to be.

YIN: A passive, mostly floor pose-orientated style. Hold poses for between 3 and 15 minutes. It can be challenging to hold some poses for a length of time.

BIKRAM: Also known as Hot Yoga, developed by Bikram Choudhury. A style that practices a fixed sequence of postures and the temperature is raised in the room (105 degrees) to replicate the climate of India. I would not recommend this style to beginners.

KUNDALIN: A style that strongly focuses on breathing, meditation, and chanting during practices. Fast-paced movements and charka references can be challenging.

Start with a class or video at home. If you don’t like that particular style of yoga, try another. Find a Yoga style that fits you.